The Universe

 Do you know where we live in we say we live in the solar system which is true but the solar system is in a place which is called the Universe. The Universe is a space which is known as outer space also, Universe is a type of galaxy which are like some dimension where in it is the solar system which is called space and rarely called inner space. 


Planet 1:Mercury is known for being the closest planet to the sun. In the morning it’s hot,on night 

it’s cold. Including mercurys core, the whole mercury is made of rock.Mercury is the second smallest planet.The confusing question is that if the sun is so hot then why is mercury not even hotter than venus?The wonder goes around the world.

Planet 2:Jupiter has the strongest gravity force,the gravity in Jupiter is stronger than the gravity on Earth.Jupiter has 4 moons. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.In jupiter it’s a little breezy.Jupiter has a small ring that does not show up as well as Saturn and Uranus.The reason that Jupiters ring doesn’t show up as the other planets is because the asteroids are really small and the bumps on them are tinier than a ladybug.

        Planet 3:Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun.Neptune is the coldest planet out of all the other planets.Also neptune is the quietest planet in space.To look Neptune looks like inside the planet only has a gigantic flood of water but inside Neptune it really does not look like it has much water.

Dwarf Planet 4:Introducing Pluto the one and only dwarf planet.Pluto used to be a normal planet until 1868 because that year scientist’s said”since Pluto was the smallest planet in space it is a dwarf planet.Pluto is about 2 billion meters away from Neptune.

Planet 5:Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun.Looking at Neptune from the outside looks like inside Neptune there is dozens of water all over Neptune.But inside there not a pinch of water is on the ground.

         Planet 6:Did you know that Saturn makes a funny noise itself,it sounds like popcorn popping.Saturn has the biggest ring.To see Saturn's ring far away it is so big it looks like there are lines all over Saturn’s rings.

      Planet 7:Did you know that only 2 planets have water and those planets are Earth which has 74% water,Mars with 2 % water and Earth has the only living beings and animals.Earth has trees that make things live comparing with other planets there are no trees there,because of that reason people are only able to live on Earth,but need space suits all the time for the other planets.The Natural resources Human resources and Capital resources are only on Earth

Planet 8:Did you know that Mars is the second planet that has water it has 2% water and 98% plain hot ground.Mars is  sometimes called the red planet.

Planet 9:Did you know the planet that hangs sideways guess what the planet is called Uranus.Uranus has the 2nd biggest ring it almost looks similar to Saturn's ring.And Uranus has a blue body that is exactly the same as Neptune’s body. Did you notice that Uranus has a lot of things similar to other planets.


                                                              Chapter 2 The Black Hole

Did you know that the Black Hole swallows nearly everything.A Black Hole is made when a star dies,first something really red appears then it gets larger by the sun's heat,then as the red thing gets bigger and bigger it starts making a inner hole that is completely black, then sharp looking rings start growing around the Black Hole,then for a few more days the sun’s heat makes the Black Hole a little larger,then comes the Black Hole ready to swallow everything it swallows by moving around the solar system.

                                                     Chapter 3 The Nebula

A Nebula is a group of bright stars.The color of the stars is green mixed with yellow.They sometimes move around .


                             Stuff to remember about the Nebula


Remember that the stars are connected together but ordinary stars are seperate.

                                            Chapter 4 The Universe

Some people think that the Universe is where the Solar system is in. The universe is a really important part of space.But the truth is that the Universe is just a Galaxy.And the Universe is in the Solar System but the Solar System is not in the Universe.


                                  Chapter 5   The Milkyway Galaxy

Scientists have discovered that the Milkyway Galaxy has 200 Billion stars in it.People called the Galaxy the Milkyway does n’t mean that the Galaxy is milky,it’s just because of the color it has.And the Milky way is Earth's only Galaxy.

                                                        Chapter 6 conclusion          

Everyone thinks that Space will never end,but Scientists had predicted that it will end at least 99 trillion years later.There are even videos of the end of the world.The good thing is you don’t have be scared about it it’s after 99 trillion years later which there is a lot of time.Good news Astronauts are trying to defeat all Black Holes and find something to stop the end of the world.Now don’t really worry about that the space people are there to take care of us.   


 HAPPY SPACE DAY.                                   THE END                         


  1. Hi everyone this blog is about the universe please read it and tell what you liked and what i could add


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