
The Black Hole

                        The Black Hole       How is a Black Hole formed?      There are trillions of stars in the universe, and even stars have a limited life, when a star dies it evolves into a black hole it will be growing all the time, it has growing amounts of vacuum  in it, by now there are many black wholes in the universe, the black whole can be as big as a planet or as small as a atom according to Even if black holes are as small as atoms they can contain air pressure and mass in very heavy amounts, they can even suck light and never let it out. Black holes are completely dark, they seem to be invisible.    What is it like to be in a black hole If you get sucked in  a black hole well there are many theories, some people say you will be teleported to another dimension, but mostly when you are in a black hole the vacuum will stretch until its broken. Conclusion: As of now the closest black hole to earth is 1,500 light years away, and if earth got sucked in a black ho

Investigation 62B Chapter 1

                         Investigation 62B                              Chapter 1     August 2025 Night Inside a community, full of single family homes, everyone was sleeping and around 2 am at night 3 robbers were trying to break into a house, one of the robber suggested a lock pick but the other one didn't like the old idea, these people had a security system and if the door was opened there would be an alarm. But then the lead of the group saw a big terrace, "Ooh, we could climb up there and then use our silent hole maker and break in" said the lead. "K boss", another one said. And the plan worked, they broke in and robbed 17 million dollars and 5 million dollars worth gold and emerald and escaped.     Next day  Next day the oldest in the family(aged 36) reported to the police, the police investigated hard enough but had no clue. So this investigation was forwarded to the FBI, it was reported to an officer and his team which included 7 team members. The offic

Why did the dinosaurs get extinct

                Why did the Dinosaurs get extinct?                                 Why did Dinosaurs get extinct? Well the theory that the Paleontologists made is that a very humongous meteor, an unusual one was falling on earth at very high speed. And when the meteor struck the Earth, the explosion went and spread across the world and then the air got polluted, and they say that the dinosaurs died one by one. First it was the carnivores because they eat other dinosaurs and when the others died they couldn't get food and so they starved to death and then the omnivores and herbivores. They had to survive on plants after the carnivores all got extinct, and the pollution also polluted the plants and they died and the Omnivores and herbivores got extinct and later the little baby Dinosaurs died not knowing what to do without there parents.    The future of Dinosaurs  Some scientists studied the DNA of mosquitos and they noticed that the DNA matches the Dinosaur DNA. So there is a theor

My youtube channel

 Hi guys, this post is the most important post for me. Below there is a link to my youtube channel, please subscribe to it and share it and also like all my videos if you really like it. Here is my youtube channel link:  If you can click on it and it takes you to the browser of my channel then you could proceed to what i said but if it is not working please copy the link and paste it in the url place in a new tab. Thank You! Super artist/Suhit

Fun facts about Jupiter

  Have you ever wondered how Jupiter looked or imagined if you knew so much about it then here are some interesting facts on Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in space it has a ring made of asteroids around it but it's kind of hard for us to look at the ring. Jupiter is known as the largest planet because of it's gas. some years later scientists had noticed a large storm on the bottom of Jupiter they say that the storm goes around Jupiter about every year. The same thing happens with Neptune. Jupiter has 79 moons but only about 53 are named. Jupiter takes about 12 years to  orbit the Sun.

The Universe

  Do you know where we live in we say we live in the solar system which is true but the solar system is in a place which is called the Universe. The Universe is a space which is known as outer space also, Universe is a type of galaxy which are like some dimension where in it is the solar system which is called space and rarely called inner space.  Planets Planet 1 :Mercury is known for being the closest planet to the sun. In the morning it’s hot,on night  it’s cold. Including mercurys core, the whole mercury is made of rock.Mercury is the second smallest planet.The confusing question is that if the sun is so hot then why is mercury not even hotter than venus?The wonder goes around the world. Planet 2: Jupiter has the strongest gravity force,the gravity in Jupiter is stronger than the gravity on Earth.Jupiter has 4 moons. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.In jupiter it’s a little breezy.Jupiter has a small ring tha

Covid 19

  You might have heard about Corona virus well many people are testing positive and the people taking precautions are testing negative now I won't say the people who test positive are not taking precautions but sometimes it might occur by small problems like going to a walk by covering yourself and you think since you have wore everything you are safe and also  are in a place no one has been at that moment but we all shall be aware that the virus is also air born and even the World Health Organization [WHO] has also declared air born which is true. Covid 19 How it spreads When you go outside and you wore a mask maybe a face shield you might wear tees and if someone forgot there mask and coughs it spreads and there are other low and rare symptoms.